Fiscal responsibility should be the primary concern for all small businesses.  However, too often the excitement of a new idea and adventure takes over and suddenly the small business owner feels overwhelmed.

From the outset, every new business owner should take control of the financial reporting.  Many operations are turning to cloud accounting as a solution and there are a number of good reasons to do so.

Access and Multiple Users

Keeping books manually is a recipe for disaster.  Keeping them all on a single computer is almost as bad.  That means only one person has access and it must be on that particular unit. 

Cloud accounting offers the flexibility for you to handle bookkeeping and accounting matters anywhere at any time as long as you have a device that has internet connection and real time data.  That means you can have multiple users.  So, someone can be issuing invoices or you can order a report without waiting for the computer to be free.  It also means the convenience of sharing the information immediately with your accountant or financial consultant.


Cloud accounting software updates automatically without hampering current activities.  So, not only is there no downtime, but you are assured of always working with the latest version. 

Cost Effective

Understanding small business needs, cloud accounting packages can be structured so that you only pay for what you need.  Then as your business expands and you need more features, they are easily added.  Using a cloud means that you won’t need fancy hardware, or an IT consultant.  This is an easy money saver.


If you are worried about hacks or breaches, you should realize that cloud storage is one of the safest places to store your confidential information.  Providers use the latest in protection.  In fact, if one of your computers gets infected, you have the benefit of simply moving to another device.  Your business continues as usual.  When you have cleared the problem with the initial computer, you are fully ready to use that device again.

Data Backup

While everyone is aware of the importance of backing up your systems, too often it is simply omitted from the to-do list.  Using cloud accounting assures that periodic backups are performed as well as access to the data if it becomes necessary to retrieve it. 

In addition cloud servers are equipped with strong anti-viral programs.  They have an IT staff to monitor the safety all day every day.  With the most up-to-date electronic surveillance programs and equipment, you are assured that your data will be secure. 


Cloud accounting is essentially an online accounting service.  Instead of installing a bookkeeping or accounting program onto a desktop in your office, you can manage all of your financials from any device and by anyone you authorize to do so.  It is secure from outside interference and all updates and backups are automatic. 

If it is something you have thought about but not yet acted on, consult with a reputable accounting firm that promotes cloud accounting and see how it can benefit you and your small business.

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- The Capex Team