SRED - Scientific research tax credits



99% chance of CRA approval.

SR&ED Tax Credit Program

SR&ED (Scientific Research & Experimental Development) is the largest tax incentive program in Canada. The program rewards corporations that have incurred expenses in order to discover and innovate “an advancement in knowledge in a field of Science, Technology or Medicine”.

You only have to meet three criteria. 

  1. Scientific uncertainty and technological obstacles

  2. Scientific or technological advancement

  3. Systematic investigation (plus Technical Content)


Your SR&ED claim can be based on the actual expenses or on the Proxy method. Your application for SR&ED funding is part of your corporate tax return. If you are approved, you can receive generous SR&ED tax incentives plus interest from the CRA.

I know we make it sound easy. However, you need SR&ED Ninjas to pull this off.

If your case is selected by the mighty Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) you will have to sit across from a CRA scientific auditor that will analyze your case and review your internal documents and study your scientific prototypes and expense invoices. The auditor will ensure you are eligible in strict compliance with SR&ED for the income tax act. You will need systematic evidence and backup.

You can speak to the CRA yourself and try to manage this yourself but why would you want to do that when we can help you?

We bill on the contingency of your file being accepted by the CRA. Our contingency rate is around 20% of your approved tax credits.

This means you pay nothing if you don’t get approved.

Let us help you build a solution for your SRED Tax credit claim.

Next steps:

  1. Book a call with us

  2. Be eligible for SRED (Meet the 3 criteria test

  3. Get introduced to your SRED NINJA team

  4. Get your application ready and submit to the CRA

  5. wait for processing and cra approval

  6. Cash that SRED Refund cheque