Across the country there are a growing number of telecommuters, freelancers, and stay-at-home parents all who work out of their homes.  The forced isolation of COVID-19 has only accentuated the task of dealing with children who are out of school or home schooled.  There are some things you can do to lessen the tension for all concerned.

Designated Areas – Each working adult should have a designated space, even if it is only a corner or section of a table.  It may take some reinforcement but kids need to understand parameters.  If there are multiple adults, it might be a good idea to alternate supervising homework or study time so that one parent is not overwhelmed. 

Routine – Although it is tempting to stay up late and binge watch your favourite program and then sleep in, don’t.  Children especially need a schedule and it wouldn’t hurt the adults as they transition back into traditional work spaces.  It may mean setting an alarm clock or timer so that everyone knows when it is okay to take a break or switch projects. 

Break Time – The situation is difficult for all concerned.  Everyone is entitled to food breaks and some time to recharge.  If safety in your neighbourhood permits, make it a group outing of a walk or bike ride to blow off steam and get some fresh air.

Privacy Issues – Children don’t necessarily understand the need for confidentiality, especially in relation to telephone calls.  First explain it in terms they will understand like correlating it to test taking when it is important to keep quiet.  It might also be necessary for you to find a location where you are alone, like in the garage or even inside your vehicle in order to fully concentrate on the business at hand.

Leniency – Maybe it will be necessary to go a little softer on some of your rules, like extending computer or television time.  There is also a reward system, just be sure you explain that the treat is because they were patient while you were working.  

Surf the Net – Take a little of your own time to find blogs, TEDtalks, etc. to find activities that your children might enjoy to keep them occupied.  

Be Creative – If they are old enough, let your kids plan dinner.  Give them a list of the basics available, (chicken, salad, types of vegetables, kinds of sauces) and see how well they do at orchestrating a meal or two.  Let them help with the preparation and give praise, even if it is not as tasty as you would prefer. 

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