Company culture is the general work environment of an enterprise.  It can include goals and attitudes as well as amenities such as educational opportunities, facilities, and advancement.  Shared values are important to an employer and employees because it will allow the company to attract and retain workers who will help the company succeed.  The employees will appreciate the atmosphere and stay to help the company grow.  Lower turnover means a stable and productive work force and people who are happy to come to work each day. 

The company attitude also reflects in how your employees deal with customers.  Your clientele will recognize a good working relationship and that should improve your branding, which should result in more customers and more revenue.

There are some things you can do to establish or improve current company culture:

Values and Goals – Make sure that the people you work with or who work for you understand the ultimate goal of the company as well as the values that you feel are important.  That will give them a clear vision of how you want your company and its business handled.

Flexibility – Many companies can offer flexible schedules, job sharing, or the ability to work remotely.  Especially if your employees work through breaks or lunch, it is nice if you allow extra time for medical appointments or difficulties with child care.  If this is not possible, consider comp time where they have the ability to make up lost hours.

Encouragement – Everyone wants to know they are doing a good job.  Don’t assume they will recognize this.  Mention it on occasion.  If there is room for improvement, do it one on one and with kindness and suggestions on how improvements can be made.  When they have done better, mention it.

Listen – Oftentimes employees will spot a problem before management, or they have realistic suggestions for improving efficiency or service.  If you truly give consideration to what they are saying, you may save yourself some headaches.  This includes frequent communication and even team building exercises.

Teams – The relationships between employees are as important as your relationship to each person.  If there are conflicts, resolve them quickly and reasonably.  Teams are different from just people working together.  If you have concerns, there are a number of books and research articles to help you turn your work force into a solid group.

Bonus – Everyone appreciates a year-end bonus.  Not all extras need to be monetary.  It can come in the form of allowing people to leave early when bad weather is setting in, or allowing casual attire (if appropriate to the company business) or recognizing birthdays or job anniversaries.  How about an impromptu donut day or end-of-project pizza party?  Profit sharing can be an incentive.  If so, be sure that your calculations are transparent.  Show the employees the company results and let them know how the profits are allocated.  This is important so that your employees won’t think the amounts are arbitrary or show partiality.

Running a small business means that you need to keep a wide range of actions in process at all times.  Keeping your company’s culture thriving is one of them you should not ignore.

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