Every job has its own degree of pressure.  Generally pressure will help employees feel challenged and motivated.  Stress is when there is excessive pressure placed on the individual resulting in an adverse reaction.  Again, everyone will have some stressors in their life.  However, when the stress is companywide or results from some occurrence in the workplace, you are facing a major problem.  People can become physically ill.  Tensions will rise.  Production can begin to falter. 

What can cause it?  Loss of a major client.  Gain of a high-maintenance customer.  Potential mergers or sales.  Change in management.  A boom period when there are not enough people to share the load.  Personality conflicts.  Lots of things.

Some of the more obvious signs are:

  • Squabbling

  • Lethargy or excessive absences

  • Loss of camaraderie or spirit

As the owner or senior management, you need to keep an eye on the pulse of your staff and nip potential situations before they become major issues.  Staying aloof will not help.  You should mingle; encourage one-on-one conversations and truly listen to not only what is said but the tone and undercurrents.  Recognize that you could be the source of the problem; personal or work-related issues that are causing you stress can filter into others. 

As an employer, you have a responsibility to maintain a safe workplace.  Stress is an issue that can cause mental or physical health problems or injuries.

Once you know the cause, you need to develop a solution.  Not all solutions are easy.  If there is a person who is the instigator but that same person has a key role in your company, it will take some finesse to handle. 

Celebrate – Even small things can be worth celebrating.  Find something every few days and make a statement that shows you appreciate the effort.  Acknowledge employment anniversaries. 

Encourage Breaks – Just a five-minute interlude several times a day can have a positive impact.  Allow them this time without interruption.  Never discuss business issues in the restroom.

Rewards – Bring in the occasional box of goodies from the bakery around the corner.  An extra few hours of paid time off may ease the tension. 

Ask for Help – You hired your employees because of their skills and intelligence.  Ask them if they have a solution.  Bring in a third party who can independently observe the function of your operation and see what they observe as problem areas.

Look for signs of employees unable to cope with their demands, especially if this has increased suddenly.  Are one or more employees becoming isolated and not performing as a team mate?  Do your employees understand their role in the company and how it contributes to the bottom line?  Is change looming that makes them feel out of control?   These are all issues that you can address as a manager.   

One last comment, the stressor may not be work related.  Personal issues infiltrate other areas of our lives.  You may not be able to correct an individual’s personal problems but you can at least be sympathetic and understanding.

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- The Capex Team