Sometimes we all look at successful people and wonder how they got there.  Besides hard work, a strong sense of self seems to be a consistent quality.  Add to that some ambition and generally, you have a recipe for success.  Looking at these individuals, there are some habits they have cultivated that can help anyone flourish 


Create exact and specific goals.  Have a mental view of where you want to be.  Create the steps to get there.  Write it down and be specific.  Instead of “I will increase my sales calls” try “I will speak with 5 potential buyers this week in order to increase my revenue this month by 25%”.  This may seem overly detailed, but it is precise, detailed, and quantifiable.

At the end of each day, you can also record your achievements.  Even if you didn’t completely reach the goal, you can write down the movements toward your goal.  Journaling is an effective way to improve your outlook as long as you keep all statements positive.  Another technique is to create a vision board.   

Also realize that goals change.  As human beings we also change and evolve.  Be sure you take that into consideration as you move toward your objectives.

It’s Not Work

Work has the connotation of drudgery.  Instead consider productivity.  Start by allocating a specific amount of time to complete a task.  This will keep you focused and result in a satisfying conclusion. 

Keep time available for creative thinking and processing.  Eliminate distractions and interruptions and let yourself be open to possibilities. 

Giving Back

Reserve some time to give back to the community.  Writing a check is great, but giving your time and energy is better.  Former President Jimmy Carter favored Habitat for Humanity, driving nails and putting up walls.  You can choose to be a mentor to a student or volunteer at a food bank.  It depends on your interests and skill set. 

The important thing is to think about someone other than yourself and how you can be of assistance.


Most successful people push to get out of their comfort zones.  Whether it is public speaking or trying a new sport, attempting something new is helpful to provide perspective.  You won’t be perfect at everything, and in fact you might fail miserably.  However, we can learn as much from what doesn’t work as what is great.

This will definitely be scary and feel totally unnatural.  Once you put aside ego and pride, you may find some real accomplishments. 


Ask questions; actually, ask great questions.  Curiosity gives rise to solutions.  Focus on a result rather than a cause.  Creating a dynamic conversation with others is a great way to learn new things. 

It can also help to understand who you are and where you really want to go.  Find your own path and formula to get there. 

While these are habits of successful people, they may or may not be your prescription.  Find what makes you happy and how to achieve that goal first. 

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- The Capex Team